Model Mafia Teen, a division of MME, is an organization dedicated to teens and their lifestyles. After several inquiries about joining MME, we knew that it was time to expand and cater to an audience that had taken an interest in us. We are hoping to reach more teens through teens while creating an atmosphere that promotes core values and positivity.
Attention all middle and high school students! Model Mafia Teen is recruiting creative, talented, and goal-oriented individuals to join our team and excel at life. Model Mafia Teen is an exciting way to get involved with other teens that are interested in becoming a part of the entertainment industry. As we strive to revolutionize entertainment, we create non-traditional ways to break barriers and move forward.
For those that are interested in becoming a teen model for Model Mafia Teen, we have an easily accessible application posted online where you may apply. Model Mafia Entertainment will be sponsoring events and photo shoots catered towards the teen audience and we need a hard working group of individuals to become a part of the team in order to make this happen.